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mini-Zenith Hi-End Equipment

mz-P3 (mz-APOLLO) - APOLLO series 2009

200W FDPCA Power Amplifier (Intelligent PID Servo System)
200瓦 全晶體 純A類 後級擴大機(智慧型比例式伺服系統)

200瓦 智慧型比例式控制 純A類後級擴大機

極大輸出 與 優異微動態 的完美結合

純A類架構 展現絕佳音質表現

智慧型比例式伺服器 提供系統優異的工作穩定度





AB類擴大機因為效率高、容易設計製造、符合現代工業規範——不須太複雜的技術即可大量生產,因此近年來AB類擴大機已成為音響市場上的主流商品。 純A類擴大機雖然有很多聲音表現上的優點,但是因為高穩定度、高輸出的純A類擴大機設計與製造都不容易,且造價昂貴,加上傳統的A類擴大機有著能源使用效率不佳的問題,所以大輸出的純A類音響並不是現今音響市場上的主流商品,只有很高價位的Hi-End音響中的頂級器材,才能找得到大輸出純A類擴大機的蹤跡(例如Pass XA200.5純A類擴大機,售價約 175萬台幣)。小輸出的純A類擴大機則以小真空管機的形式於近年重現市場上,並且贏得了很多愛樂者的心。

征宇科技於三月下旬的2009高雄國際Hi-End音響大展,發表了一款配備最先進類比微電腦伺服器的純A類擴大機(mz-Apollo)。 此A類擴大機的中點電壓與工作電流在開機後30秒內達到穩定狀態,不再受室溫變化與市電電壓的影響,一直維持穩定。因此,征宇科技在此宣布純A類穩定放大器的時代已經來臨,不再有「熱破壞」(thermal run away,或稱「熱跑脫」)的問題,也不用再長時間等待暖機。更重要的是,此高效率的架構與精密的伺服控制可將能源的消耗降至最低,達成節能減碳Green Concept A類擴大機的理想(mz-Apollo 的實測工作電流是 110V 3.5A)。此穩定又高效能的純A類擴大機的推出可以說是一項劃時代突破性的進步,並且在今年高雄Hi-End音響展中獲得5,6,7樓展場評比第2名的殊榮。

此先進的純A類擴大機(mz-Apollo)可說大大改善了傳統純A類擴大機的缺點,並保存公認最完美的音樂表現方式。征宇科技希望推出此Green Concept 純A類音響之後,能與大家一起分享榮耀與喜悅!希望所有關心地球生態又品味超群的人士都能一起分享 Green Concept 純A類音響的優美音質與絕佳控制力,並享受科技進步所帶來的超凡穩定度與能源高效率運用對地球環境所盡的保護。一起享受音樂之美,欣賞科技之美!

征宇科技mini-Zenith mz-Apollo純A類後級每聲道的輸出是128瓦。如果使用「一對」各自併聯,一部推一聲道的話,輸出則增加到200瓦。

Hot Stuff - Audio Art [ Brief Review ]

Amazing Power amplifier with Unique Design in Every Detail
mini-Zenith mz-P3 Apollo Power Amplifier

Website of mini-Zenith:
Suggested Retail Price in Taiwan : 830000 NT dollars
mini-Zenith High-End Audio(+886-7-3987132)

Doctor Chen, the president of mini-Zenith, himself is an excellent designer. The LP transports, amplifiers and loudspeakers he designed in the past all enjoy good reputation because of their unique designs. This time, people are marveled again by this mz-P3 Apollo Power amplifier! First, this appearance is so special that makes people unable to associate it with the ordinary power amplifiers that are so irregular. And the most unique thing is that mz-P3 Apollo takes BJT power transistor as the main amplification elements and uses Intelligent PID Servo System to control the bias voltage to stabilize the working current and maintain the neutral point voltage thus reaching a stable working state. What¡¦s more, although mz-P3 Apollo is set up in pure class-A working state, it is not subject to the high heat problem of ordinary class-A power amplifiers. When used as one mono-block, its output power is 200W; and when used in stereo, each channel has output power of 128W. When one set of mz-P3 Apollo drives one channel, the two amplification circuits are connected in parallel other than bridge connected, therefore, the sound quality is not discounted at all though the power is increased. If matched with equipments produced by mini-Zenith, the connection method ¡§balance signal Positive-Phase and Negative-Phase separated transport¡¨ can be applied, i.e., one pair of signal wire transport Positvie-Phase signal and another one transport Negative-Phase signal, which will produce even perfect sound than ordinary balance connection.

Time of Update:2010-02-03
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